I have jBoss 2.2.0 FINAL and embedded Tomcat 3.2 under JDK1.3 on WinNT4.
Following the instructions on the jBoss site, I made all the changes to get
the embedded Tomcat running, only to get lots of exceptions caused by:
"javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: TransactionManager not bound"

I have traced this to adding the entries into Tomcat's "server.xml" from the
jBoss documentation. Without these entries, jBoss with embedded Tomcat
starts up with no difficulties except that I can't seem to do any JNDI
lookups for data source objects. With the entries reinstated, I get the
"javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: TransactionManager not bound"
exceptions. Does anyone have any ideas as to what is causing this?

Andy Comley

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