I've already mooted this once and it was widely ignored except for one

The open source version of "show me the money" is "show me the code" so I've
built a working prototype of my idea. It isn't ready to use as an IDE, but
only for want of some templates and a bit more work on the deployment
descriptor generator (which I hope to poach from ejbdoclet).

This is intended to be more than another make tool. It attempts to be a
complete (if currently rudimentary) IDE, with the steps from code to
deployable JAR compressed to File>Generate.

Oh yeah. GUI tools are for wimps, right? Hands up everyone who'd like to
know how to compile in-process, without using Runtime.exec to shell
javac.exe? There are also some pretty neat file system tools and a class
equivalent to jar.exe but in-process and without its more endearing quirks
(eg it forces META-INF to upper case). Using GUI tools might be for wimps
but writing them isn't. (Oddly, compiling in-process was much easier than
shelling javac. The difficulty lay in getting details of the undocumented
compiler libraries.)

I realise that none of you particularly wants a GUI tool. But I have some
news for you. You are outnumbered 100 to 1 by pointy-clicky wimps, and
between them they have a lot of budget. Frankly I'd rather they gave it to
us than to Microsloth.

To test this software you will need JDK122 or JDK13 correctly configured
with tools.jar on the system classpath. I'm willing to bet that every last
subscriber to this list meets that requirement.

So, are you all too thrilled with your make scripts to even consider an
alternative, or can I have some constructive feedback from alpha testers?

I'm flame-proof, so feel free to address both abuse and offers of review or
assistance to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is not (yet) in CVS so don't bother looking there for it.

Peter Routtier-Wone
May the source be with you.

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