In addition to the tomcat+jboss howto, you should read the "Deployment 
on JBoss" section.

Also, get the tomcat-test.ear app from the contrib suite to see how it's 

It does work.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Pfeiffer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, April 19, 2001 11:37 pm
Subject: [JBoss-user] Tomcat-JBoss ClassNotFoundException (again)

> Has anyone successfully deployed a non trivial .ear (ie something 
> other than
> the example ear) under the integrated Tomcat-JBoss binary?
> I've read the docs.  I've reviewed the working sample.  I've tried 
> whatseems to be every concievable permutation of .jcml, .conf, 
> manifest settings
> that I can come up with.  I cannot get the damn thing (my servlet) 
> to see my
> home interface class file.  It throws a ClassNotFoundException 
> every time.
> Offer me a setting.  I'll try it (if I haven't already).  Tell me 
> where to
> put my ejb interface files (in or out of a client.jar, doesn't 
> matter, I've
> tried it).
> Any last words of advice before I give up?  I'd love to hear from 
> someonewho has this working and see the configuration.
> Thanks,
> Bill Pfeiffer
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