Title: Where Java Bean should be located?
Both JBoss and the client need ** a ** jar because they both need the home and remote interface. I used "a jar" intentionally, because they should not get the same jar.  JBoss also needs the bean implementation class, but the client does not.  So ideally you should have two jars, e.g., ejbstuff.jar and ejbstuff-client.jar.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 9:40 PM
Subject: [JBoss-user] Where Java Bean should be located?

hi all,

I have installed JBoss 2.1 with embedded tomcat and developed several cmp ejb objects and already deployed to JBoss and Tomcat

*** But i don't know why I must deployed the jar file to both JBoss and Tomcat???

and since i have some java bean to use, I have included them in the jar file with other ejb objects for success complication, however, when i test it, it returned java bean object not found, in fact, where should i included those java bean object, I also try to put those java bean object on tomcat, but error still existed.

Any one can help? Thanks a lot!!!


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