Hi all.
I'm using the jboss/tomcat/jakarta combo.  In the
jboss log, there are [webserver] entries stating that
port 8083 is the webserver port.  I can point my
browser to that port and get an empty html page (html
body /body /html).

If I point the browser to 8080 I get the default
tomcat/jakart page with log messages similar to:

2001-04-24 02:20:10 - Ctx( /examples ): IOException
in: R( /examples + /jsp/index.html + null) Connection
aborted by peer: socket write error

Also, would there be any issue with changing the
recognized port to 80?  I want to use tomcat/jakarta
as my local web server.  Will this cause any problem
with jboss?  


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