Rishabh Misra wrote:

> hmmm .. that presents an interesting problem though.
> when running embedded Tomcat, how do i separate my Tomcat classpath from
> JBoss classpath?
> coz i need to have the beans in my Tomcat classpath and that's the
> reason i had added them to JBOSS_CLASSPATH (note: NOT my system
> classpath though)
> also, why does having the beans in the classpath cause this in the first
> place??

This happens because the deployer uses a classloader to read the 
deployment descriptor.  If there is a deployment descriptor in the 
classpath then the classloader delegation model means that the one in 
the classpath will always be read in preference to the one in your ejb-jar.

I don't know how to deal with your Tomcat problem, I'm sorry.  You can 
probably get away with having only the remote and home interfaces in the 
classpath.  Definitely don't have the ejb-jar in the classpath.


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