Out of curiousity, what kind of thing does your mbean do? How is it
appropriate for an ejb to be controlling it?

Waiting for the expansion of my horizons,
david jencks

On 2001.04.26 15:23:21 -0400 "Coates, David" wrote:
> I have a custom MBean that adds a service to my JBoss container.  Now I
> want
> to be able to control that MBean/service from an EJB.  For example send
> it
> start(), stop(), restart(), or getStatus() messages.  My basic goal is to
> be
> able to provide a web interface for my users so that they can monitor the
> service that the MBean provides, as well as shut it down, restart it,
> etc...
> I see that the documentation says that the best way to make an MBean
> available to your EJBs is to make it available via JNDI.  What is the
> best
> way to do this?
> Obviously, I need the EJBs to interact with the original instance of my
> MBean and not a copy of it recreated via serialization.  So is it
> possible
> to use javax.naming.Reference and just bind that to the JNDI tree, or do
> I
> have to set up a RMI registry and bind an entire registry to JBoss's
> existing JNDI directory, or what?
> I'm using jboss-2.0-FINAL bundled with Tomcat, running on a Win NT box.
> David Coates
> The Boeing Company
> Mission Support Data Systems, International Space Station
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