
I am having a problem running a JSP and I was hoping for some advice. I am
running embedded Tomcat.

I have the following setup:


The job of index.jsp is to list the files in "directory." For this, I was
trying to use something like this:

File directory = new File("directory")
String[] fileList = directory.list();

Of course, because JSP needs to be compiled, and it is done so in another
directory, when this code is run index.jsp does not find the "directory"

If I change the file path to an absolute path

File directory = new

it works fine. I am using this path because it is the only one I can find in
the JBoss directory and in the Tomcat directory. Of course, this is not a
standard path and, to make things worse, every time I deploy the WAR file
the "web1005" token changes to something else.

So the question is, is there a way to list files in a directory by using a
path relative to the location of a JSP page?

Thanks in advance,

Felix Munoz

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