  I doubt your code as reported is complete.  From what you show us, the
object returned from getProjectInfoJB is never created.

The "no exception" is presumably from your trapping and ignoring the
FinderException when you look for your bean.  I suspect what is happening
is that jboss is reusing the same session bean for your two calls, and
since ejb attributes don't get reset by the container, it still has the
reference to the first bean.  The finder exception from looking for a
nonexistent bean skips the assignment of projectinfo, so you call the "2"
bean getProjectInfoJB().

david jencks

On 2001.05.10 04:39:11 -0400 Russell wrote:
>   Hi all , I am using RedHat6.1 , jdk1.3 and jboss2.1 .
>   I have an entity bean , method below is the implementation code is
> most important which to increase ejb performance using value object: 
>    public ProjectInfoJB getProjectInfoJB() throws RemoteException{
>       projectinfojb.setAgreementdate(this.agreementdate);
>       projectinfojb.setClient(this.client);
>       projectinfojb.setCommencementdate(this.commencementdate);
>       projectinfojb.setComments(this.comments);
>       projectinfojb.setCompanyid(this.companyid);
>       projectinfojb.setCompletedate(this.completedate);
>       projectinfojb.setContractor(this.contractor);
>       projectinfojb.setContractorperiod(this.contractorperiod);
>       projectinfojb.setContractvalue(this.contractvalue);
>       projectinfojb.setCountry(this.country);
>       projectinfojb.setInchargedp(this.inchargedp);
>       projectinfojb.setInchargeperson(this.inchargeperson);
>       projectinfojb.setOthersconsultant(this.othersconsultant);
>       projectinfojb.setProjectid(this.projectid);
>       projectinfojb.setProjectname(this.projectname);
>       projectinfojb.setProjectno(this.projectno);
>       projectinfojb.setProjecttype(this.projecttype);
>       projectinfojb.setServicescope(this.servicescope);
>       projectinfojb.setStatus(this.status);
>     return projectinfojb;
> }
>  And i have a method in stateless session bean :
>  private ProjectInfoHome projectinfohome;
>  private ProjectInfo projectinfo;
>  public ProjectInfoJB getProjectInfoJB(int projectid) throws
> RemoteException{
>     try{
>      projectinfo = projectinfohome.findByPrimaryKey(new
> ProjectInfoPK(projectid));
>     }
>     catch(Exception e){}
>     return projectinfo.getProjectInfoJB(); -->get value object
>   }
>  This method is giving me some problems. It can find the record without
> any problems.
>  However when the first time i called the method for example below:
>   1st time : 
>     ProjectInfoJB jb = getProjectInfo(2) -->2 is exist in table so it
> can find the records.
>     System.out.println(jb.getProjectid()) --> display projectid = 2 is
> correct.
>    But then when run the second time , 
>     ProjectInfoJB jb = getProjectInfo(99999) --> 99999 is not exist in
> the table, did not throw me nay exception
>     System.out.println(jb.getProjectid()) ---> is display projectid = 2
> , which is wrong
>   Anybody why jboss behaviour like that ?? Any suggestions ? Thanks wt
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