Please note that I am using a 2.3 beta version so maybe there was some
changes in between.
But here are the jars I have

1. In Tomcat

E:\Projects\p1\tomcat4b1>dir /s *.jar

 Directory of E:\Projects\p1\tomcat4b1\bin

06/01/2001  05:18               24.776 bootstrap.jar
06/01/2001  05:18               98.496 jndi.jar
06/01/2001  05:18               23.514 naming.jar
06/01/2001  05:18               74.753 servlet.jar

 Directory of E:\Projects\p1\tomcat4b1\lib

06/01/2001  05:18              188.406 crimson.jar
06/01/2001  05:18              272.734 jasper.jar
06/01/2001  05:18               11.809 jaxp.jar
23/02/2001  10:47               85.237 jdom.jar
06/01/2001  05:18                3.724 namingfactory.jar

 Directory of E:\Projects\p1\tomcat4b1\server

06/01/2001  05:18              490.878 catalina.jar
06/01/2001  05:18              188.406 crimson.jar
06/01/2001  05:18               29.809 jakarta-regexp-1.2.jar
06/01/2001  05:18               11.809 jaxp.jar
06/01/2001  05:18               31.416 warp.jar

2. In WEB-INF\lib

E:\Projects\VMI\main\UltraDev>dir /s *.jar

 Directory of E:\Projects\p1\main\web\WEB-INF\lib

18/02/2001  01:10              175.666 hsql.jar
07/05/2001  09:49               88.843 jboss-client.jar
03/05/2001  16:18               58.461 jboss-j2ee.jar
03/05/2001  16:18              133.040 jbossmq-client.jar
04/05/2001  09:51               22.976 jbosssx-client.jar
04/05/2001  09:51               15.110 jnp-client.jar
25/02/2001  00:14              128.006 log4j.jar

     Total Files Listed:
               7 File(s)        622.102 bytes
               0 Dir(s)   5.701.087.232 bytes free

> -----Message d'origine-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]De la part de Rettig
> Christoph
> Envoyé : vendredi 11 mai 2001 16:30
> Objet : Re: [JBoss-user] Catalina and Jboss2.2.1 InitialContext error
> Yes, no problem with -nonaming : catalina.bat run -nonaming.
> server.xml :
> <Context path="" docBase="E:\Projects\web" debug="0" reloadable="true"/>
> And all JBoss client JAR files in E:\Projects\web\WEB-INF\lib
> Nothing else changed to catalina installation directory
> Oh yes, another one,
> jndi.properties is not read (if I remember well) so I have to manually
> System.setProperty "java.naming..." just before calling new
> InitialContext()
>   Hi!
>   I'm using catalina in combination with the turbine framework
> and jbossMQ.
> I also
>   get exactly these communication errors when trying to get an initial
> context.
>   Which jar files exactly do you put in your web-inf\lib?? I tried your
> suggestions
>   (using jbossmq-client.jar) but the error stays the same
>     regards
>       Chris ...

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