At some point there will be support at its a requirement in EJB2.0.
Others have indicated they were looking into integrating IIOP but I
have not heard anything concrete. Search the archives at:

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Pete Bennett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 9:58 AM
Subject: [JBoss-user] Plans for IIOP support in future releases of jBoss

> I hope I am not going to get too flamed for posting this, but I have checked
> :-
> - the jBoss FAQ "Q. Does jBoss support RMI/IIOP ? A. No"
> - all postings since I joined the group (no comments on future plans to
> support IIOP)
> - the mailing list archive (some questions and answers on the general topic
> but no concrete answers to some of the questions I wish to pose)
> ... and not found the answer to the questions I wish to ask.
> My situation is as follows :-
> My company is likely to be in scenarios where it is using jBoss as an EJB
> container to wrap a variety of existing services in enterprise beans (to
> gain the pooling, scaleability, security, transactions etc... etc...).
> However, within these scenarios we are very likely to face situations where
> we have a large number of non-Java, non-JSP clients (e.g. native Windows
> apps or hand-crafted Perl scripts) that wish to make use of the remote
> interfaces exposed by these enterprise beans.
> I can see three broad scenarios to handle this eventuality :-
> - get hold of the Java stubs as normal and then wrap them into C++ stubs for
> the native applications (C++, VB or Perl) to access (OK, but a little
> inelegent and possibly requiring a lot of work per bean)
> - expose calls into the jBoss container via a "cross-platform" protocol. The
> two candidates which appeal to people in the C++, VB, Perl world are IIOP or
> - I have started to work with the ZOAP module which looks very promising,
> especially for the future, and can meet the cross-platform protocol needs I
> describe nicely.
> - However, IIOP is well established now and people are used to working with
> it from all the languages I mention (plus the fact that you can easily
> reverse compile Java remotes into IDL and back into C++ stubs). They may
> have ORBs already integrated into their working environments so the learning
> curve is much shallower.
> Apologies if I am opening up an age-old, done and dusted discussion (in
> which case, could someone point me to a reference to that
> discussion/possibly update the FAQ to prevent posts like this in the future)
> ... but, if this is still an open topic ...
> Why is it hard to support IIOP on the wire (technical issues ? no-one has
> come forward wanting to implement it ?)
> Is there a general demand amongst users of the mailing list to support the
> sort of scenarios I lay out above ? How are you handling it now ?
> Are there in fact plans "behind the scenes" to support IIOP in a future
> version of jBoss ?
> Thanks in advance for any help you can give me on this topic,
> Pete
> --
> Pete Bennett (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Principal Architect, Synomics Ltd.

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