Hi All,
       I have a SessionBean, in which I have the method addNet(). The
deployment process went on fine. When I try to access, first I try to get the
Home Interface of the SessionBean, That works fine. I am able to get the
Interface of the SessionBean. When I try to access a method of the SessionBean
through my client, I am getting a java.lang.NoSuchMethodError. I am able to see
this Error in the Client console. Nothing is happening in my Jboss Server
console, It just stops there after this Error Occurs. 
        In the ejb-jar.xml, I have the entry for this method addNet()
pertaining to the SessionBean. I am unable to understand as to why I am getting
this problem.
  My Client Code call the method using the following code:
    xxx home = (xxx)ctx.lookup("xyz");
   home.addNet( abc,bbc);
where abc is a String Parameter and bbc is a Serailizable object.

Code inside the Session Bean is as follows
   public void addNE(String abc, NetData bbc) throws RemoteException
      few lines of code

Please help me. Your help will be appreciated.

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