Hi All...

We are getting ready to put a system into production and a question occured 
to us. Our plan is to use jBoss/Tomcat 2.2.1 with PostgreSQL on 
Debian/Linux. Postgres has a pgdump utility that will allow an online 
backup that is guaranteed correct (from a referential integrity 
standpoint). Of course, we had planned to use commit option 'A' for 
performance reasons.

So, the problem is, how do we do an online backup of a database when jBoss 
is running commit option 'A'?  Will a backup be logically consistent with 
jBoss caching EBs and queries and such if we use pgdump while jBoss is 
running? We would prefer not to have to take the server down to do a backup.

I not sure if this is a problem or not and would appreciate any comments.



I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

- Robert Frost, 1916

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