<<You shouldn't jump to conclusions like that - you might hurt yourself.>>

Just a wild guess... I never assumed it would be correct.

<<AFAIK, there shouldn't be any reason why you can't be a CORBA client.>>

Well, at least that clears that up.  I had looked through the spec for something
saying "You can't do this", but had no such luck.  So I guess that narrows it
down to user error.....

> I placed the IOR string in the Java file, as I can't use I/O classes to read

> it from a file (as I'm doing in my Swing client).  I've put some logging in

> the bean, and have found that the string_to_object method always returns a
> object.

<<Well, this means that the ORB wasn't able to convert the string to an
object.  If this were some security related problem I would expect an
exception of some description.>>

As would I.

<<Are you sure that the IOR string is the same as you are using the Swing
client?  Are you running these things on the same machine?  Perhaps there
is an environment configuration problem.  Are you using the same ORB?  Are
you initialising the ORB the same way?>>

I'm 99% sure that everything is EXACTLY the same.  I actually have the connection
logic in a helper class - CorbaManager.  The IOR string is hard coded in the
class.  I'm running both EJB and Swing client on the same machine.  So, each
create an instance of the CorbaManager object - one works, the other doesn't.

I'll go and check for that extra 1% of confidence.  Perhaps I'm doing something
different... but I really don't think that to be the case.  At any rate, knowing
that it's not forbidden helps in now that I know there must be a problem somewhere....


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