>> Connection refused to host:

Java is not getting the instruction to connect to a remote host - it is
still trying to connect to JBoss locally.   Where are you providing the
remote host ip address?  I put it in jndi.properties and everything works

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kobi Schecider" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2001 2:51 AM
Subject: [JBoss-user] Re: JBoss-user -- confirmation of subscription --
request 343542

> Hi everyone,
>   I am new to JBoss and have been trying to get the interestclient example
> running (the client and the EBJ running on different machines) without
> success. This example is the one found in chapter 1 of JBoss' online
> documentation. I setup the software according to the tutorial and the FAQ
> (there is one entry that mentions how to run a client application
> But I am consistantly getting exceptions. The following is my
> RedHat Linux 6.2
> Sun JDK 1.3 standard edition, (jndi, rmiregistry, providerutil located in
> jdk1.3/jre/lib/ext)
> JBoss 2.2.1
> Since I don't have a DSN server, I use the IP address of the server
> JBoss for java.naming.provider.url. My machines, relying solely on hosts
> files, are on a home network.
> My client code is kept inside a directory together the EBJ jar and a copy
> everything inside JBoss-2.2.1/client. The following is how I invoke the
> client and the results I got:
> java -cp <all the jar files in the client directory> InterestClient
> Got context
> javax.naming.CommunicationException [Root exception is
> java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:; nested
> exception is:
>     java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: no further information]
> My CLASSPATH is empty. The same configuration (with the
> java.naming.provider.url set to localhost) works perfectly when both
> and JBoss server are running on the same machine. I experienced the same
> problem with JONAS. Could this be caused by an incorrect JDK
> Basically, the examples (both JBoss and JONAS) work fine as long as both
> client and the EJB server are on the same machine. I would greatly
> appreciate if anyone can shed some light on this. Thanks in advance.
> Kobi
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