
Some Hypersonic problems in JBoss 2.2.1 out of the box that have been
causing me trouble for a few weeks... I wonder if anyone can help me
with them?

 1) As I go on doing operations with CMPs (with lots of large
Serializable objects or byte[] in the entity beans in question, in case
that makes a difference) the
JBoss-2.2.1_Tomcat-3.2.1/jboss/db/hypersonic/default.script file grows
and grows, even if for example, I drop the tables.  The default.data
file never grows.  How can I get the `log' flushed?  Here, for example,
id the current state of the hypersonic directory after inserting the
same few MB of data a few times:

drwxr-x---   2 dhd      ExNet        512 May 14 00:24 ./
drwxr-----   5 dhd      ExNet        512 May 10 22:51 ../
-rw-r-----   1 dhd      ExNet         12 May 14 00:24 default.backup
-rw-r-----   1 dhd      ExNet         20 May 14 00:24 default.data
-rw-r-----   1 dhd      ExNet         80 May 14 00:24 default.properties
-rw-r-----   1 dhd      ExNet    125300428 May 15 18:46 default.script

 2) I cannot create records (entity beans), eg including largish
Serializable objects or byte[]s, larger than about 32kBytes in total. 
Is there any way to fix that directly?  At the moment I am fragmenting
data across several entity beans, but that will make some things that I
want to do, such as maintaining a live index in an object in a entity
bean, usually held in memory but passivatable back to the db,
spectacularly inefficient.

 3) Even if I keep records shorter than 32kBytes, if I undeploy and
redeploy the same (unchanged) EAR, on trying to read some entity beans
back into memory, they are reported as corrupt, `not containing
serializable data' in some ByteArray deserialisation routine inside
Hypersonic itself I think.  This means I usually have to reload lots of
data each time I make even the most minor change to my EAR, which is
very sad.  All data is loaded through Java with no access by anyone

 4) I intend to have several GB of data in my database in the end, with
several tables/beans having up to millions of records each.  Will that
completely stuff Hypersonic?

I am resigned to having to sort some of these problems by moving to a
different DB, but I want at least to understand what's going on with
Hypersonic and make it a little more robust and to last as long as



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