Thanks for the Help i already received. I installed
JBoss 2.2.1 with Tomcat 3.2.1 on a RedHat7 box and a
RH6 box. Also i installed it on a W2K box. on all
three boxes i get an error when I try to call the
Example JSP's. 500 That was the
result on all three machines. Servlets and JBoss
Example ran fine. I added
/<Javadirectory>/lib/tools.jar to the clathpass. That
fixed my Problem on the W2K Machine, which i use most
of the time for development, but not on the RedHat
boxes, which I use to host the final Applications.
Adding tools.jar to the Classpath makes it possible to
run a tomcat 3.1.1 (older Version) without JBoss.
since I installed all that Stuff out of the box, it
should be no Problem to see the demo JSP's depoyed by
Tomcat. Has anybody the same Problem and can give me a
hint what to do? I'm running a Sun JSDK 1.3.0_02 on my
RH boxes and on my W2K Machine.
Would be grateful for eyery help. thanks in advance

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