On Wed, 23 May 2001, Dave, Pragnesh wrote:

> Greetings !
> David, thanks for pointing that the CallableStatement doesn't implement
> Serializable.
> I checked the docs and got the same info; I got confused as I was previously
> using VAJ and websphere and the "data connector-DAB" extension allows to
> Serialize CallableStatement; basically IBM extended the CallableStatement
> and implemented Serializable.
> In one the articles at developerworks, Cynthia Saracco actually says that
> wrapping DBMS stored proc under stateless session beans is a "good" idea and
> passing the Serialized CallableStatement back to the client a better
> approach then creating your own Collection.
> http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/components/library/j-spejb/?dwzone=com
> ponents

(I didn't bother reading the article ;)

I guess the reason for passing the CallableStatement to the client is that
you don't want to first "unroll" the ResultSet, put it into a Collection
and then pass that Collection to the client who has to iterate it again.
If the CallableStatement does not produce a ResultSet then there would be
no point.

You could use a Stateful Session Bean instead and store the ResultSet in
the bean and add a method that gets the next row from the ResultSet. The
more beautiful solution would be to implement a Serializable iterator and
pass that back to the client. The next() method in the iterator would get
the next row from the Session Bean.



"Why waste time learning, when ignorance is instantaneous?"
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