According to the JBOSS manual, I can specify a "common" classpath in the
Class-Path directive of the MANIFEST file. This should cause the libraries
listed by the directive to be loaded by the application classloader as such
these classes would be visible to the jsps. However, it does not seem to
pass this classpath information to the jspC when it tries to compile the
jsps in the war file.


>What do you mean by the "common" classpath?  Hopefully you're not
>talking about what is traditionally in the $CLASSPATH env variable.  If
>your JSP needs some of your own defined classes to work, they should be
>put in your WAR file in the WEB-INF/classes directory.  These will be
>automatically loaded by Tomcat so they are available to your web app.
>All this is in the servlet2.2 spec.
>Of course, maybe you mean something completely different and I'm just
>being ignorant (it's been known to happen).  ;)
>Hope this helps,
>Keith Kee wrote:
> Hi:
>    I'm a newbie trying to get my jsps to run on JBoss 2.2.1 and embedded
> tomcat 3.2.1. It seems like the jspc cannot find the classes on the common
> path (using the Class-Path directive) which my jsp is trying to import. I
> searched in the mailing list archive and found that a lot of the people
> the same problem.
>    I was wondering if this problem will be fixed, or it is a limitation of
> tomcat?
> Thanks
> keith

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