
    I am getting the following error while using jms.
javax.naming.CommunicationException [Root exception is
java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling return; nested exception
is: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
org.jbossmq.referenceable.ObjectRefAddr (no security manager: RMI class
loader disabled)]
I am not using embeded tomcat and i am starting the two servers separately.
i have read the solution given by u in the mailing list and tried to include
the jbossmq.jar and jbossmq-client.jar in the classpath
so that the above exception may be avoided.
The main problem i am facing for the past two days is that even if i try to
add a single jar file to may tomcats classpath it behaves in an unusal
manner and i am not even able to login in to my application and i get
security association exception error.
I tried number of ways to add jar files to my classpath but tomcat gives me
the above error in which ever way i try to add
the jar files to classpath.if we remove the jar files from the classpath
then i would be able to login in to my application(my
application consists of 25 beans and nearly 80 jsps).I will get the above
secuity error when i tried to add any jar file to my
Is there any special way to set the classpath in tomcat?
I even tried to add the jar files to my autoexec.bat and restarted my
machine so that tomcat can recognise the jar files but
still i get the security error and once i remove the jar files from the
autoexec.bat and restart my machine it is working fine.
I am unable to solve this problem for the past two days .i am trying
hundreds of ways to set classpath to tomcat but i
am failing in each occasssion.please help me in this matter.
---Venkat Ammisetty

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