InstantDB users,

Over the past year while resident on the web site,
InstantDB has continued to be adopted by thousands of Internet and
database developers around the world. It is now a leading 100% Java
embeddable database. Thank you. During this year Lutris has been
talking openly about the possibility of open sourcing InstantDB in
much the same way as we have with our Enhydra application server
technologies and to this date have granted individuals permission to
use InstantDB in commercial products. It has now become apparent that
we cannot continue to run the project in this way on the
site because it is not clear when we are going to be able to the open
source the technology. The reasons for this are many: legal,
competitiveness and the energy necessary to run the project and
complete our corporate mission. Therefore InstantDB is moving.

On Monday June 4th, InstantDB will be moving to a new home on the
Lutris corporate site ( ) and the
current site will cease. Simultaneous with this
move will be a new release of InstantDB (4.0) available for
development and license. By aligning InstantDB with other Lutris
products we are able to commit to the continued development, evolution
and support in a manner that is not practical on
InstantDB will continue, as always, to feature heavily in our
application server products and the source will remain available for
ISV licensing or Lutris customers.

To facilitate the transition the community mail list subscription and
archives will automatically be moved to the new alias of
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  You may subscribe/unsubscribe from the
new majordomo list by sending email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

I realize that this will come as a disappointment to many who were
anxious to contribute to the internals of the database as an open
source project. For that I'm sorry, it certainly is a fascinating
piece of technology. While no commitment can be made at this time the
open source status of InstantDB may change at a later date. Until that
time I look forward to your continued interest with InstantDB at its
new home. If you have more specific question, please feel free to
contact me directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .


Paul Morgan, CTO

Lutris Technologies, Inc.

JBoss-user mailing list

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