OK, done. Thanks very much!



--On Wednesday, June 06, 2001 8:24 AM -0700 Scott M Stark 

> The web-app.xml in the comment is incorrect. Its really talking about the
> web.xml
> document web-app child elements. The war descriptor parsing did change in
> 2.2.2, but I thought it was compatible with previous versions. This is
> based on the
> units tests so your usage of the descriptors must not be convered by the
> tests.
> Post a bug to sourceforge that includes all of your deployment descriptors
> and
> I'll track down the problem.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jim Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 9:09 PM
> Subject: [JBoss-user] Still can't deploy on jBoss 2.2.2_Tomcat-3.2.2, OK
> before w/jBoss-2.2.1
>> Hi All...
>> I posted an earlier message saying that I could not deploy an EAR under
>> jBoss-2.2.2_Tomcat-3.2.2, but it deploys and runs fine on
>> jBoss-2.2.1_Tomcat-3.2.1. I received a reply pointing me to the docs, and
> I
>> reviewed them and my app carefully. Prehaps I'm at the point where I
>> can't see the problem when it is clear, but things do look correct to
>> me. Also, it still deploys and runs fine under the old distribution
>> (jboss-2.2.1).
>> I tried running the app, and I get a naming exception saying "env not
>> bound." The app then goes into an endless loop, trying to do the lookup
>> over and over. Strangly, my app has no loop. If the lookup fails, I catch
>> thenaming exception and throw a new exception of my own, thats caught and
>> returned to the client. So this looping behavior is a bit mysterious.
>> I can see that the exception on deployment is being generated by the new
>> webapp container code, so prehaps someone could tell me if this new code
>> changed how descriptors are parsed? Is there a change to the
>> requirements, or prehaps an old requirement is now enforced that was not
>> before?
>> I have pasted the earlier message below for reference. I would appreciate
>> any assistance.
>> Thanks very much!
>> Jim
>> ***** Earlier message *****
>> I just DLed and installed jBoss-2.2.2_Tomcat-3.2.2. I was able to start
>> it OK, but when I deployed my EAR I got the exception I pasted below.
>> This
>> deploys and runs fine on jBoss-2.2.1_Tomcat-3.2.1.
>> I'm using Sun JDK 1.3.1 on Windows 2000 SP2.
>> The explanation of the problem is clearly stated in the exception. What
>> confuses me is that I don't actually have a web-app.xml file anywhere,
>> and never had (yet it worked). I do have a web.xml file thats required
>> for the JNDI name binding.
>> I saw in the change log that web-app.xml parsing had been changed to
>> support ENC. I could not find a reference to this file in the
>> jboss/tomcat howto or the J2EE PFD3 specification. I also checked the
>> test EAR that ships with jBoss/TC and although it had a web.xml file it
>> had no web-app.xml file.
>> So I'm at a loss and would appreciate a some help.
>> Thanks very much...
>> Jim
>> [J2EE Deployer Default] Starting module Regnet-ver001a-web.war
>> [Auto deploy] deploy, ctxPath=/regnet,
>> warUrl=file:/C:/JBoss-2.2.2_Tomcat-3.2.2/
>> jboss/tmp/deploy/Default/Regnet-ver001a.ear/web1006/
>> 2001-06-02 12:46:36 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /regnet )
>> [Auto deploy] AbstractWebContainer.parseWebAppDescriptors, Begin
>> [Auto deploy] org.jboss.ejb.DeploymentException: ejb-ref ejb/AleEntity
>> found in
>> jboss-web.xml but not in web-app.xml
>> [Auto deploy]   at
>> org.jboss.metadata.WebMetaData.importJBossWebXml(WebMetaData.
>> java:152)
>> [Auto deploy]   at
>> org.jboss.metadata.WebMetaData.importXml(WebMetaData.java:80)
>> [Auto deploy]   at
>> org.jboss.web.AbstractWebContainer.parseWebAppDescriptors(Abs
>> tractWebContainer.java:274)
>> [Auto deploy]   at
>> org.jboss.web.AbstractWebContainer$DescriptorParser.parseWebA
>> ppDescriptors(AbstractWebContainer.java:398)
>> [Auto deploy]   at
>> org.jboss.tomcat.naming.JbossWebXmlReader.contextInit(JbossWe
>> bXmlReader.java:61)
>> [Auto deploy]   at
>> org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.initContext(ContextMana
>> ger.java:491)
>> [Auto deploy]   at
>> org.jboss.tomcat.TomcatEntry.initContext(TomcatEntry.java:144
>> )
>> [Auto deploy]   at
>> org.jboss.tomcat.EmbeddedTomcatServiceSX.performDeploy(Embedd
>> edTomcatServiceSX.java:117)
>> [Auto deploy]   at
>> org.jboss.web.AbstractWebContainer.deploy(AbstractWebContaine
>> r.java:178)
>> [Auto deploy]   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
>> [Auto deploy]   at
>> com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl
>> .java:1628)
>> [Auto deploy]   at
>> com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl
>> .java:1523)
>> [Auto deploy]   at
>> org.jboss.deployment.J2eeDeployer.startApplication(J2eeDeploy
>> er.java:431)
>> [Auto deploy]   at
>> org.jboss.deployment.J2eeDeployer.deploy(J2eeDeployer.java:17
>> 8)
>> [Auto deploy]   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
>> [Auto deploy]   at
>> com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl
>> .java:1628)
>> [Auto deploy]   at
>> com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl
>> .java:1523)
>> [Auto deploy]   at
> org.jboss.ejb.AutoDeployer.deploy(AutoDeployer.java:358)
>> [Auto deploy]   at org.jboss.ejb.AutoDeployer.run(AutoDeployer.java:221)
>> [Auto deploy]   at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)
>> [Auto deploy] Initialized: {WebApplication:
>> /C:/JBoss-2.2.2_Tomcat-3.2.2/jboss/t
>> mp/deploy/Default/Regnet-ver001a.ear/web1006/, URL:
>> file:/C:/JBoss-2.2.2_Tomcat-
>> 3.2.2/jboss/tmp/deploy/Default/Regnet-ver001a.ear/web1006/, classLoader:
>> Adaptiv
>> eClassLoader(  ):6131061}
>> [J2EE Deployer Default] J2EE application:
>> file:/C:/JBoss-2.2.2_Tomcat-3.2.2/jbos
>> s/deploy/Regnet-ver001a.ear is deployed.
>> e.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user
>> ********************************************
>> I shall be telling this with a sigh
>> Somewhere ages and ages hence:
>> Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
>> I took the one less traveled by,
>> And that has made all the difference.
>> - Robert Frost, 1916
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I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

- Robert Frost, 1916

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