> Hello again,
> I am not clear about this <!DOCTYPE ...
   The !DOCTYPE tag tells the XML parser what DocumentTypeDefinition(the DTD) source to use for verification of the XML's consistency.
> For tomcat_test.ear, I deleted this line in web.xml and the deployment
> worked.
   It should.
> For a new sample application contacts.ear, I have the same PB has I had for
> tomcat_test.ear. The deployment doesn't work.
   Hmmm... Let's see.
> I tried to do the same correction in its web.xml by removing the
> <!DOCTYPE...
   Are you surce, that you removed the WHOLE tag?
   That means, that you have to remove:
   <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "blah blah"

> but it gave me a new error message:
> [J2EE Deployer Default] Starting module contactapp.war
> [Auto deploy] deploy, ctxPath=/contacts, warUrl=file:/tmp/jm/JBoss-2.2.2_Tomcat-
> 3.2.2/jboss/tmp/deploy/Default/contactapp.ear/web1003/
> 2001-06-11 03:56:11 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /contacts )
> [Auto deploy] ERROR reading
> /tmp/jm/JBoss-2.2.2_Tomcat-3.2.2/jboss/tmp/deploy/De
> fault/contactapp.ear/web1003/WEB-INF/web.xml
> [Auto deploy] At Expecting quoted value for PUBLIC identifier.
   This is something wrong...
   Are you sure you don't have something like < PUBLIC asdfhskldfhsdl>
   I think you haven't removed the whole tag.
   You have to delete all the tag... Not only the !DOCTYPE part of it.
   Also... There are UNQUOTED ATTRIBUTES. It says it sees the PUBLIC part with no attribute(my guess).
   Can you paste the header of the xml?
> [Auto deploy] ERROR reading
> /tmp/jm/JBoss-2.2.2_Tomcat-3.2.2/jboss/tmp/deploy/De
> fault/contactapp.ear/web1003/WEB-INF/web.xml
> [Auto deploy] org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Expecting quoted value for
> PUBLIC identifier.
> [Auto deploy]   at
> org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.fatal(Parser2.java:3035)
   <CUT OFF>

> The value for the line was (which didn't work before removing it):
> <!DOCTYPE web-app
>   PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"
>   "
   Go to:
   Save the file to your hard drive. Let's say in C:/DTD/web-app_2_2.dtd
   Edit your deployment descriptor as follows:
<!DOCTYPE web-app SYSTEM "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN" file://c:/dtd/web-app_2_2.dtd">

> Could you explain me how it works in every cases?
> Nonetheless, I have an idea of last minute.
> May I have to setup Tomcat and JBoss for telling them where is the proxy
> that I use?
> It could be because they can't find
http://java.sun.com ... without knowing
> the proxy first.
   No way, taht I know :(
> Thanks,
> Jm
   See you.

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