--- Tejaswi Redkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think we all would like to use your bean. It is in
> high demand.
> Could you please send it to us ?

Answering to popular demand, here is source
for SequenceEJB.java

To made a EJB from it, just throw it to ejbdoclet.
Adjust package names as appropriate. 


   This is sequence entity bean. Process this file
using ejbdoclet to
   create all necessary interfaces and deployment
   Licensing policy is GNU LGPL ( check www.gnu.org
for exact conditions )

   Copyright by Konstantin Pribluda 2001. All rights
   No responsibility accepted. Satisfaction is not

   Any usage of this software by military entities or
for military puproses
   is explicitly prohibited, and will be considered as
act of war
   against author. Author reserves the right to
retailate such acts of war
   by means which seem convenient for him, included
but not limited to
   usage of voodoo cult technics to remotely cause
severy diarrhoe
   to violators. 

   play cool java games: http://www.yook.de/


package org.pribluda.Sequence.ejb;
import org.pribluda.Sequence.*;
import org.pribluda.interfaces.*;

import java.util.Collection;
import javax.ejb.EntityBean;
import javax.ejb.EntityContext;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import javax.ejb.CreateException;
import javax.ejb.RemoveException;
import javax.ejb.EJBException;

 * Sequence bean. Use entity name as primary key
 * @author Konstantin Pribluda ( [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * @ejb:entity-cmp
 * @ejb:ejb-name Sequence 
 * @ejb:finder Collection findAll()
 * @ejb:finder Collection findById(String id)
 * @ejb:jndi-name sequenceProvider
 * @jboss:table-name sequences

public abstract class SequenceEJB implements
javax.ejb.EntityBean {
  transient private EntityContext ctx;

   * ID of sequence
   * @ejb:pk-field
   * @ejb:persistent-field
   * @ejb:remote-method
  public abstract String getId();
   * @ejb:remote-method
   * @ejb:pk-field
   * @ejb:persistent-field
  public abstract void setId(String id);

   * Last sequence number used
   * @ejb:remote-method
   * @ejb:persistent-field
  public abstract long getValue();

   * Set last sequence number
   * @ejb:persistent-field
   * @ejb:remote-method
  public abstract void setValue(long nn);

   * Initial sequence value
   * @ejb:persistent-field
   * @ejb:remote-method
  public abstract void setInitialValue(long iv);
   * Initial sequence value
   * @ejb:persistent-field
   * @ejb:remote-method
   public abstract long getInitialValue();

    * Sequence Increment
    * @ejb:persistent-field
    * @ejb:remote-method
   public abstract void setIncrement(long incr);

    * Sequence Increment
    * @ejb:persistent-field
    * @jboss:column-name inc
    * @ejb:remote-method
   public abstract long getIncrement();

    * Wrap-around status
    * @ejb:persistent-field
    * @ejb:remote-method
    * @jboss:column-name inc
   public abstract void setWrapAround(boolean ok);

    * Wrap around status
    * @ejb:persistent-field
    * @ejb:remote-method
   public abstract boolean getWrapAround();

    * Generate new sequence number and advance by one
    * Can throw wrap-around exception
    * @ejb:remote-method
   public long getNext() throws WrapAroundException {
    long rr = getValue() + getIncrement();
          (rr >= getInitialValue() && getValue() <
getInitialValue()) ||
          (rr <= getInitialValue() && getValue() >
        ) && getWrapAround()
      ) {
        throw new WrapAroundException("Sequence " +
getId() + " wrapped around");
    return rr;

    * Reset sequence
    * @ejb:remote-method
    public void resetSequence() {

     * Bulk accessor.
     * @ejb:remote-method
    public abstract void setData(SequenceData data);
     * Bulk accessor.
     * @ejb:remote-method
    public abstract SequenceData getData();

     * Create sequence default way
     * @ejb:create-method
    public Object ejbCreate(String name) throws 
RemoteException, CreateException {

      return null;

     * Create Sequence from bulk data
     * @ejb:create-method
    public Object ejbCreate(SequenceData data) throws
RemoteException, CreateException {
        return null;

     * Create Sequence
     * @ejb:create-method
    public Object ejbCreate(String sequenceName,int
initialValue,int step,boolean canWrap)
           throws RemoteException, CreateException {
      return null;

     * post create methods
    public void ejbPostCreate(SequenceData data)
throws RemoteException, CreateException { }
    public void ejbPostCreate(String name) throws
RemoteException, CreateException { }
    public void ejbPostCreate(String sequenceName,int
initialValue,int step,boolean canWrap) throws
RemoteException, CreateException { }

     * standart maintenance stuff...
    public void setEntityContext(EntityContext ctx) {
this.ctx = ctx; }
    public void unsetEntityContext() { ctx = null; }
    public void ejbActivate() { }
    public void ejbPassivate()  { }
    public void ejbLoad()  { }
    public void ejbStore()  { }
    public void ejbRemove()  throws RemoveException{ }



And  corresponding exception:

--- snip ---

package org.pribluda.Sequence;

public class WrapAroundException extends Exception {

  public WrapAroundException() {

  public WrapAroundException(String s) {


have fun with it.


Konstantin Priblouda ( ko5tik )    Freelance Software developer
< http://www.pribluda.de > < play java games -> http://www.yook.de >
< render charts online -> http://www.pribluda.de/povray/ >

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