Georg Rehfeld wrote:

> Hi,
> note, I'm not complaining about bad JBoss docs, I find them brief
> and enhancable but covering most important things yet, but

And I'm not saying that documentation shouldn't be improved, but I think 
that much of your argument here is actually for requirements 
specification, not user documentation.

> Scott M Stark said:
>>3. Read the ultimate docs(the source) ...
> I don't agree with this, the ultimate doc is the doc! The 
> importance of documentation was addressed by SUN with the
> JavaDoc tool for low level docs, but the rule applies to high
> level docs too.

OK, how about: "the authoritative resource describing the behavior of a 
software system is the source code."

Yes, source != documentation, but if you want to know how something 
works, the source is far better than documentation. Documentation lies. 
Just read some documentation from proprietary tools! I just went through 
this argument with the support staff of another (commercial, 
proprietary) application server: we were getting a NullPointerException 
from their code, and it took a week to persuade them that maybe they 
should look at the source to determine what might be null. This is the 
strength of open source software: if it's behaving in a manner you don't 
understand, you can read the code! If you want free lunch, get a sales 
guy to take you out. If you want working software and 
self-determination, use open source software.

> The 'ultimate docs are the docs' rule especially is true for
> Interfaces, 

The 'ultimate doc' in that case is the ejb 1.1 specification.

> One heavy pitfall of the 'ultimate doc is the source' rule is code
> containing a bug. You never should assume that the existing code
> is to be interpreted as the doc, which would declare the bug to
> be the intended behaviour. 

again, deviation from specification is a bug. But now you're also 
bringing requirements documentation into the discussion. This is a 
completely separate thing from user documentation. I'd hate to refer to 
requirements docs to find out how to do something - especially for an 
infrastructure tool like JBoss. How often to you refer to POSIX doco 
when you want to get something done on *nix?

> But without docs, how could the bug
> ever discovered (except for really obvious ones)? By a human,
> often the author himself, knowing or guessing the INTENTION of
> the code and comparing the intention <=> documentation 

deviation from _requirements_ is a bug: deviation from documentation 
could be a documentation bug _or_ an implementation/design bug.

> Another example: I once had a *.properties file with duplicate
> keys (by intention, don't tell you the whole story here) and
> wanted to know how java.util.Properties would deal with that.
> The docs for Properties.load() are lengthy about the expected
> format, but say nothing about dups. So I looked up the impl and 
> found, that the last duplicate key/value pair in the file was the final
> result. Should I now use this knowledge and rely on that behaviour?

> Never! Because the impl at any time can change without notice,
> the behaviour is undefined, so don't use it. Else you would
> introduce very subtle and difficult to find bugs whit the next
> JDK or with some subclass of Properties, that does other things
> and so on.
> Having said that back to work.
> And please know, Scott has given sooo much source AND documentation 
> to JBoss and advice to users on this list that nobody of us avarage 
> readers here ever can keep up with him.
> Very respectful
> Georg
>  ___   ___
> | + | |__    Georg Rehfeld      Woltmanstr. 12     20097 Hamburg
> |_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]           +49 (40) 23 53 27 10
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