
> That's what I did.  Sorry for not supplying the implementation for
> that helper.  'ere it is.
>     public static void close( Connection c, PreparedStatement s, ResultSet
r )
>     {
> try {
>     if( c != null ){
> c.close();
>     }
>     if( s != null ){
> s.close();
>     }
>     if( r != null ){
> s.close();
>     }
> }
> catch( SQLException e ){
>     throw new EJBException( "ExtendedJDBC: close: " + e.getMessage() );
> }
>     }

did you mean :

r.close() for the last one?

Have you tried changing the order?

Does that help?

I always close non-dependant things first, so resultset, statement,
connection, in that order....


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