How are you starting the server process? The only way I can see doing this
is redirecting the stderr descriptor to a file as parting of the startup process
and then sending the vm a SIGQUIT signal.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Bilow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Memory Leak problem

> In our installation (Linux), jBoss runs as a server process, which means
> it has no console.  In fact, it runs under the privilege of the "jboss"
> system user, who cannot even log in.  All ownership and permission
> information is tied to this system user, so running under any other user
> would be prohibitively difficult.  It is ordinary to set up something like
> jBoss this way, since otherwise it would be tied to the user console and
> die when the user logged out, which is obviously undesirable in real
> production.  It is possible to rig up a test environment where a console
> is set up by a shell running as the "jboss" user and then jBoss is started
> through the "nohup" utility or some similar method to redirect stdout and
> stderr to disk files, but this is a pretty awkward configuration and I
> think it would require modifying the "" file.  Is there any other
> way to get dump information to go to a file instead of to the usually
> non-existent stderr?  This would be very helpful on Unix.
> -- Mike
> On 2001-06-21 at 08:41 -0700, Scott M Stark wrote:
> > Obtain a thread dump of the vm in this situation to see where the threads
> > are via a Ctrl-\ or SIGQUIT. This gets dumped to stderr so you need
> > to redirect this or have a huge console buffer or logging.
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