SoftLiban RAMLAWI Mona wrote:

> here is my jaws.xml :
> <jaws>
>  <datasource>java:/OracleDB</datasource>
>    <enterprise-beans>
>      <entity>
>        <ejb-name>RespEJB</ejb-name>
>        <table-name>RESP</table-name>
>        <create-table>false</create-table>
>        <cmp-field>
>          <field-name>respId</field-name>
>          <column-name>RESP_ID</column-name>
>        </cmp-field>
>        <cmp-field>
>          <field-name>respLib</field-name>
>          <column-name>RESP_LIB</column-name>
>        </cmp-field>
>        <cmp-field>
>          <field-name>raysId</field-name>
>          <column-name>RAYS_ID</column-name>
>        </cmp-field>
>        <cmp-field>
>          <field-name>confId</field-name>
>          <column-name>CONF_ID</column-name>
>        </cmp-field>
>        <cmp-field>
>          <field-name>respType</field-name>
>          <column-name>RESP_TYPE</column-name>
>        </cmp-field>
>        <finder>
>          <name>findByRaysAndType</name>
>          <query>raysId = {0}AND respType = {1}</query>

You need to use the column names here, not the ejb field names. So it should be 

'rays_id = {0} and resp_type = {1}'

Sorry about this: JAWS is logging the exception that might have helped 
you figure this out at debug rather than error. I'll get that fixed in 
the 2.4 release.


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