I asked a question the other day, and I have not received any response. I really think it will be an easy question for someone to answer if they have successfully set up a new install of JBoss.
I will repeat my question below. If something is not clear, please indicate.
I am trying to run the Interest Bean example.
I got everything to deploy with no problem, but when I
try to run the client, I got the following error:
Exception in thread "main"

To save some time, let me tell you what I already have
1. I have checked the mailing lists .The only related
message I could fing was where someone was getting the
same message, but this problem was due to upgrade
issues. I am not migrating, this is a first install.

2. Just to be safe, I have already read the migration
instructions, and yes I have all of the jar files in
the client side.

Ray Grieselhuber

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