> Scott M Stark wrote:
> > <j2ee 1.3 spec>
> > J2EE. Dependencies
> Wrong spec. See Servlet 2.3 (PFD 2), SRV.9.7.1 (Dependencies on Extensions).
> It goes for a few paragraphs, but the relevant one is:
> It is recommended that Application developers provide a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
> entry in the WAR file listing extensions, if any, needed by the WAR. The
> format of the manifest entry should follow standard JAR manifest format. In
> expressing dependencies on extensions installed on the web container, the
> manifest entry should follow the specification for standard extensions
> defined at
> http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/guide/extensions/versioning.html.
> Basically the J2EE spec says that the valid targets for the Class-Path are
> JAR files. So, a WAR file could refer to an EJB (or a library jar) this way,
> but the EJB (or library jar) can not refer back to the WAR in this fashion.
I can see your interpretation, but I can also read this as simply a mechanism
by which a war asserts which jars need to be available via the classpath or
server classpath to successfully deploy, not as a mechanism for specifiying
inter-ear dependencies.

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