Ferguson, Doug wrote:

> Hey,
> I ran this message awhile back and got no response.
> If you have any inclination to an answer... please respond.
> I have am interested in mapping datasource jndi names at deploytime..
> However I want to make these mappings apply to the global namespace.
> The reason:
> For example, in order to use the current DatabaseLoginModule you must
> provide a jndiName for the datasource to use. Since the login module
> is not a bean and doesn't have acces to the java:comp/env we must
> use the global namespace. Therefore I have to use the jndi name that is 
> in my jboss.jcml. I'd like to be able to map the name in jboss.jcml say
> java:jdbc/MAIN_DB to java:jdbc/LOGIN_DB 
> Any comments suggestions?
> d.

I suppose you could write some wierd redirection mbean. I'm not a JMX 
expert, but it might work.


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