JBoss, uses auto deployment, if you copy the file across then it does 
deploy the files. I create the XML editor using a normal text editor and 
copy the jar file with the contents across to the deploy directory.


At 01:58 PM 6/26/2001 +0200, you wrote:
>I notice that Sun has a Deployment GUI tool for its J2EE
>implementation. Is this useful in conjunction with JBoss? Or is there
>something else I should rather use?
>I did try a JBoss GUI tool for editing deployment descriptors (I think
>that's what it was supposed to do :-) but it didn't seem to show me
>much of interest.
>         Bent D
>Bent Dalager - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.pvv.org/~bcd
>                                     powered by emacs
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