Hello All,

Problem Scenario:

I have created an entity bean which is called UserBean along with its 
Remote and Home interfaces, I have also created a Session Bean which is 
called UserManagerBean which is supposed to let me add, remove, modify users.

Next I created a JavaBean to support my JSP which allows me to do the 
lookup for the Session Bean and then execute the method for adding the new 
user with the appropriate parameters.


1. When the JSP file attempts to call the method I get a NullPointer 
exception on my JBoss Server window. Any ideas why this would be so?
2. Is there an administration tool for having a look at the tables of the 
default database servers (InstantDB and Hypersonic SQL)

Attached are all the files related to this problem, could some one have a 
look and give me some pointers.



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