
    Well under 1.1 cmp you are pretty much limited to the 1 Entity ejb = 1
DB row. (or persistent row... whatever). Entity beans were not intended to
be finegrained like that, but to describe a business entity (lets use the
classic example of a customer) Customers have names, and addresses (plural)
and phone numbers (plural). With 1.1 you are pretty much stuck with using
dependent objects... and that means a lot of code in your ejbActivate and
ejbPassivate. At least to do it easily.

2.0 CMP has much better management of relationships. Relationships can be
one to one, one to many, or many to one, So it is much easier to handle the
whole concept of an entity there. Definitely The best step for CMP :)
although there are better cool new things in the 2.0 spec. (which some
millenia will actually go final :)


----- Original Message -----
To: jboss-user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2001 9:37 PM
Subject: [JBoss-user] how does EJB 2.0 fix CMP?

> Someone on the list said that EJB 2.0 fixes CMP.
> The problem with EJB 1.1 and CMP was said to be that one DB row equals one
> entity bean but that one entity bean is supposed to be a coarse grained
> object - a seeming contradiction.
> Thanks,
> Jim
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