> My connection pool however large gets used so JBOSS hangs waiting for a
> fresh unused connection. This problem is not in the application code
> rather something do with either the configuration of jboss or a bug in
> connection pool handling classes.
this IS application code issue.
There is a method which does not propperly close either ResultSet,
PreparedStatement or Connection!
make sure to ALWAYS use something like:

        Connection con=null; PreparedStatement prepStmt=null; ResultSet
        try {
            DataSource _dataSource=null;
            try {
                InitialContext  context  = new InitialContext();
                _dataSource = (DataSource)
            } catch (Exception nx) {
                throw new SQLException("DS lookup failed (" + nx.toString()
+ ")");
            con= _dataSource.getConnection();
            prepStmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM Table");
            rs = prepStmt.executeQuery();
            if( rs.next() ) {
                //do something
        } catch(SQLException Ex) {
            log.error("Error accessing DataSource");
        } finally {
            if( rs!=null)       try { rs.close(); }       catch(Exception
Ex) { rs=null; }
            if( prepStmt!=null) try { prepStmt.close(); } catch(Exception
Ex) { prepStmt=null; }
            if( con!=null)      try { con.close(); }      catch(Exception
Ex) { con=null; }

so all DB-Pool related gets properly closed. (You may do a lookup on the
DataSource in setEntityContext, but you should NOT obtain a connection

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