
I solved this problem by creating the table with a normal integer as the 
primary key and then writing a AutoNumberBean. The AutoNumberBean is 
another CMP bean which just keeps track of an Integer per table. If you 
want I can send you the code for it as well.


At 23:15 8/07/01 -0700, you wrote:
>i'm using mysql for my database and created an
>auto-incrementing pk on a table. i wrote an entity
>bean which creates a row having a pk value of 0
>"zero". mysql maps the value of 0 "zero" to the
>last-pk-value + 1. however, when i retrieve my data
>through ejb, the pk still contains 0 "zero". im using
>jboss as my ejb-container. any help is gladly
>-L. Yeung
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