this is standard ejb behavior, the Bean gets locked if it is accessed, since
on BMP the app-server never knows what you are going to do, right (there is
no reson why you shouldn't do some update-statement when reading a value,
right?!? So go ahead and read the long and most entertaining discussion on
the LOCKING-WAITING-issue in the archive, should be more than 100 postings
by now?! Have fun (in short: dev is working on a smart version to come by
this issue)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ernest Chen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 9:36 PM
Subject: [JBoss-user] LOCKING-WAITING (CTX)

> Hi,
> When I perform jUnit testing with 200 threads on my BMP, there is numerous
> LOCKING-WAITING, what do I need to change in order to avoid all these
> locking issues?  All I'm doing is to retrieve the EJB by primary key and
> retrieve it's fields, there is no write.
> Thanks!
> Ernest
> [SecurityUserBean] LOCKING-WAITING (CTX) for id
> com.starmedia.helix.security.UserPK@88 ctx.hash 6083741
> [SecurityUserBean] LOCKING-WAITING (CTX) for id
> com.starmedia.helix.security.UserPK@88 ctx.hash 6083741
> [SecurityUserBean] LOCKING-WAITING (CTX) for id
> com.starmedia.helix.security.UserPK@88 ctx.hash 6083741
> [SecurityUserBean] LOCKING-WAITING (CTX) for id
> com.starmedia.helix.security.UserPK@88 ctx.hash 6083741
> [SecurityUserBean] LOCKING-WAITING (CTX) for id
> com.starmedia.helix.security.UserPK@88 ctx.hash 6083741
> [SecurityUserBean] LOCKING-WAITING (CTX) for id
> com.starmedia.helix.security.UserPK@88 ctx.hash 6083741

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