On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 05:07:15PM -0500, G.L. Grobe wrote:
> When the code below executes, it goes very quickly as it runs through the
> method, the the next time this method get's called ... there's a pause
> before it executes. I'm sure the code is fine, I beleive it's still a config
> problem. It has worked fine on other servers. Otherwise the result sets get
> returned very quickly. It's just there's a long pause as if it's trying to
> find the dbase for some reason and not accepting the config.
> ...
>      try {
>          dbConn = getConnection();
>          stmt = dbConn.createStatement();
>          String query = "SELECT shell FROM Shells WHERE platform_id = "
>             + platform;
>          System.out.println("query = " + query);
>          ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
>          int cnt = 0;
>          while (rs.next()) {
>             shells.put(new Integer(++cnt), rs.getString("shell"));
>          }
>       }

Are you closing the result set, statement and connection?  What does
getConnection() do?  If you've already answered these questions in
this thread, I apologise, but I couldn't find any other code snippets.


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