I have two nodes(n1, n2) running the all configuration with HAJNDI service 
enabled. The org.jboss.ha.jndi.HANamingService mbean in cluster-service.xml has 
the default configuration. I'm using jboss-4.0.3SP1.

I have the following source code to remotely access the mbean server via 

// initial context
Hashtable jndiProperties = new Hashtable();
jndiProperties.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, jnp://n1:1099); 
jndiProperties.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces");
//jndiProperties.put("jnp.disableDiscovery", "true");
InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(jndiProperties);
// connecting to mbean server
MBeanServerConnection server = (MBeanServerConnection) 

//get host info
ObjectName name = new ObjectName("jboss.system:type=ServerInfo");
System.out.println("Host name: " + server.getAttribute(name, "HostName"));

I got inconsistent output, it might be
Host name: node1, or 
Host name: node2

Even I uncomment out  
//jndiProperties.put("jnp.disableDiscovery", "true");
it still gave inconsistent output.

Is this expected behavior? And how can I get a reference to the RMIAdaptor for 
the node n1 consistently?

Please help. Thanks.

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