Ok, Solved this one. j2sdk1.4 was the culprit. 1.3.1 works a treat.

> I am trying to run a simple J2EE app using JBoss-2.2.2_Tomcat-3.2.2.
> Deploys Ok, and I can access EJBs from a Standalone java client.
> Intergartion with JSPs is a problem. I keep getting NoClassDefFound
> exceptions on $Proxy classes. I have worked out that the $Proxy classes
> are JBoss generated wrappers. Now the problem I am having as is evident
> from the NoClassDefFound error is that the wrong $Proxy class is being
> instantiated. I have proven this by looking in the JNDI tree and finding
> that the offendind $Proxy class does not exist. I can however load a
> legitimate $Proxy class from a JSP.
> Can someone **please** tell me why tomcat is attempting to load invalid
> $Proxy classes? How can I fix this?
> It shouldn't be this hard!
> TIA,
> Damian
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