
> >how to configure jboss for mysql
> Prety sure this is all in the doc somewhere so check there 
> for details but
> he highlights are

sorry for that question. after reading in the documentation the part about
the sense of jboss.jcml and jboss-auto.jcml a 2nd time i get it working!

> Lot's of examples in doc to use this datasource in your EJB's

the jaws example works fine (after minor changes in the jaws.xml), but the
clients of the cd example don't work:

compiling/running the client apps produces this error:
>ant cmp-cd-upload
     [java] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jboss/docs/cmp/cd/${client}
     [java] Java Result: 1                                                 
BUILD SUCCESSFUL                                                           
Total time: 3 seconds                                                      

> >how can i configure jboss to make use of my apache/tomcat 
> installation?
> Exact same way you attached Tomcat standalone.  Get the JBoss 
> release with
> embedded tomcat (assuming everything will run on the same 
> box) and attach
> Tomcat to Apache (the installation ends up under
> JBoss-2.2.x-Tomcat-3.2.x/tomcat) in the exact same way you 
> attached the
> standalone Tomcat release to Apache.
> Alex

Do I understand you right: I have to delete my old Installation of Tomcat
and instead of this I have to Install Jboss with Tomcat integration . Then
do the integration of Apache and Jboss-Tomcat as if it were the standalone
version of tomcat i'm using.

And there is no way to use my old tomcat installtion with jboss. I not sure,
but I might have read an e-mail in this list that describes such a

thanx in advance



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