
I just tried to suspend a process. And then i resumed it. 
The result was that, in the tasklist of the user i had a bunch of taskInstances 
to be done. The problem is that there are tasks that are completed, but that 
still appear on the tasklist.

I checked in the database and noticed that those task instances had their 
ISOPEN_ attribute set to 1.

Is this normal? Here is the suspend method :
anonymous wrote :  /**
  |    * suspends this execution.  This will make sure that tasks, timers and 
  |    * messages related to this process instance will not show up in database 
  |    * queries.
  |    * @see #resume() 
  |    */
  |   public void suspend() {
  |     isSuspended = true;
  |     rootToken.suspend();
  |   }

and the resume method only sets 'isSuspended' to false. So when and where is 
the ISOPEN_attribute set to 1? and what does this attribute mean?

Thanks in advance,

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