Here is the code:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  | <process-definition name="websale"
  |                     xmlns="">
  |   <!-- SWIMLANES (= process roles) -->
  |   <swimlane name="buyer" />
  |   <swimlane name="salesman">
  |     <assignment expression="user(ernie)" />
  |   </swimlane>
  |   <swimlane name="accountant">
  |     <assignment expression="user(bert)" />
  |   </swimlane>
  |   <swimlane name="shipper">
  |     <assignment expression="user(grover)" />
  |   </swimlane>
  |   <!-- NODES -->
  |   <start-state name="create new web sale order">
  |     <task swimlane="buyer">
  |       <controller>
  |         <variable name="item"/>
  |         <variable name="quantity"/>
  |         <variable name="address"/>
  |       </controller>
  |     </task>
  |     <transition to="evaluate web order" />
  |   </start-state>
  |   <task-node name="evaluate web order">
  |     <task swimlane="salesman">
  |       <timer duedate="20 seconds" repeat="10 seconds">
  |         <action class="org.jbpm.websale.RemindActor">
  |           <swimlaneName>salesman</swimlaneName>
  |         </action>
  |       </timer>
  |       <controller>
  |         <variable name="item" access="read"/>
  |         <variable name="quantity" access="read"/>
  |         <variable name="address" access="read"/>
  |         <variable name="comment"/>
  |       </controller>
  |     </task>
  |     <transition name="ok" to="salefork" />
  |     <transition name="more info needed" to="fix web order data" />
  |   </task-node>
  |   <task-node name="fix web order data">
  |     <task swimlane="buyer">
  |       <controller>
  |         <variable name="comment" access="read"/>
  |         <variable name="item" />
  |         <variable name="quantity" />
  |         <variable name="address" />
  |       </controller>
  |     </task>
  |     <transition to="evaluate web order" />
  |   </task-node>
  |   <fork name="salefork">
  |     <transition name="payment"  to="wait for money" />
  |     <transition name="shipping" to="ship item" />
  |   </fork>  
  |   <task-node name="wait for money">
  |     <task swimlane="accountant">
  |       <controller>
  |         <variable name="item" access="read" />
  |         <variable name="quantity" access="read" />
  |         <variable name="address" access="read" />
  |         <variable name="money received" />
  |       </controller>
  |     </task>
  |     <transition to="update books" />
  |   </task-node>
  |   <node name="update books">
  |     <action class="org.jbpm.websale.UpdateBooks">
  |       <msg>accountancy application is now informed of the payment</msg>
  |     </action>
  |     <transition to="salejoin" />
  |   </node>
  |   <node name="ship item">
  |     <action class="org.jbpm.websale.ShipItem">
  |       <swimlaneName>shipper</swimlaneName>
  |       <msg>${shipper} now ships ${item} to ${address}</msg>
  |     </action>
  |     <transition to="salejoin" />
  |   </node>
  |   <join name="salejoin">
  |     <transition to="end" />
  |   </join>  
  |   <end-state name="end" />
  | </process-definition>

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