It deploy fine.

Some errors in log :

FATAL [org.hibernate.ejb.packaging.PersistenceXmlLoader] entityManager JTA

But show this error in all jsf files : 
javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot get value for expression 

And jboss log :

17:14:48,757 ERROR [STDERR] java.lang.ClassCastException: 

In other page :

javax.faces.FacesException: Cannot get value for expression 

At jboss log :

17:16:16,994 WARN  [SeamVariableResolver] Seam component hides managed bean with
  |  same name
  | 17:16:17,064 WARN  [SeamVariableResolver] Seam component hides managed bean 
  |  same name
  | 17:16:17,305 INFO  [MyfacesConfig] No context init parameter 
  | .PRETTY_HTML' found, using default value true
  | 17:16:17,305 INFO  [MyfacesConfig] No context init parameter 
  | .ALLOW_JAVASCRIPT' found, using default value true
  | 17:16:17,305 INFO  [MyfacesConfig] No context init parameter 
  | .DETECT_JAVASCRIPT' found, using default value false
  | 17:16:17,305 INFO  [MyfacesConfig] No context init parameter 
  | .AUTO_SCROLL' found, using default value false
  | 17:16:17,325 WARN  [HtmlLabelRenderer] Unable to find component 'usuario' 
  | ng findComponent on component '_id2:_id13')
  | 17:16:17,385 ERROR [STDERR] java.lang.ClassCastException: 
  | InjectedEntityManagerFactory

I deploy seam examples and work fine.

I use source code generated by JBossIDE.

Why don't work, anyone idea?

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