>>>>> "Nicolai" == Nicolai P Guba <Nicolai> writes:

    Nicolai> On 25 Jul 2001 22:28:54 -0700, David M. Karr wrote:
    >> In JBoss 2.2.2, using MySQL, I had a sample application, and it had created a
    >> table.  I manually dropped the table, now I'm trying to figure out how to get
    >> JBoss to figure out it needs to recreate the table.  I've tried various things,
    >> like deleting the deployed jar from the "deploy" directory, and the unjarred
    >> directory in the "tmp" directory.  I've redeployed the jar, and JBoss seems to
    >> do it without complaining, but it still refuses to create the table.

    Nicolai> I experienced the same problem.  In my case the fault was that I changed
    Nicolai> from PostgreSQL to MySQL and the VARCHAR has been defined in PostgreSQL
    Nicolai> as VARCHAR(256) whereas MySQL expects a VARCHAR(255) as maximum
    Nicolai> acceptable value.

    Nicolai> Because the mapping was not right it couldn't create the tables (quite
    Nicolai> logical). Maybe you'd like to verify your mappings in your jaws.xml?

My situation is less complicated than that.  I just changed the default
standardjaws.xml to use mySQL instead of Hypersonic, then I created my project.
I didn't change any type mappings.  When I deployed the jar initially, it
worked fine.  It created the table, and I was able to run methods to create
rows, delete rows, list rows, etcetera.  I then decided I wanted to try
something absurd and drop the table.  Now, I can't seem to convince it that the
table needs to be recreated.

David M. Karr          ; Best Consulting
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ; Java/Unix/XML/C++/X ; BrainBench CJ12P (#12004)

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