The pings report back fine to localhost and cassia (the node w/ jboss and my
enterprise app), acais is just my context name to the webapp. Everything on
my network is normal in this respect.

I think the problem still lies somewheres in my configuration of the

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sacha Labourey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 1:22 AM
Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] dbase is acting way to slow

> Hello,
> This is most probably out of topic but, what happens if you try to ping
> these hosts: localhost, acais, cassia (with these exact spelling and by
> using their IP addresses.)
> Just to check that you do not have a resolver issue (as you say that your
> lookups are also slow).
> Cheers,
>                             Sacha
> -----Message d'origine-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]De la part de G.L. Grobe
> Envoyé : vendredi, 27 juillet 2001 08:04
> Objet : [JBoss-user] dbase is acting way to slow
> Some new information.
> My problem has been that my dbase queries are extremely slow, but they
> A query through 10 records in a table w/ only 5 fields (extremely simple
> stuff) takes 10-20 seconds. The lookup()'s to the datasource are also
> Upon, I see the following output from jboss ... (I went
> ahead and included all the output at the end of this post).
> ----------
> [JdbcProvider] Initializing
> [JdbcProvider] Loaded JDBC-driver:org.postgresql.Driver
> [JdbcProvider] Initialized
> ...
> [PostgresqlDB] XA Connection pool PostgresqlDB bound to java:/PostgresqlDB
> There are no errors or exceptions in my startup.
> 1. I pulled the PostgresqlDB <mbean... resource (below) out of my
> ~/conf/tomcat/jboss.jcml file. I'm using the postgresql dbase. When I did
> this, I got exactly the same behavior, but my queries were still working.
> 2. Then I pulled the DefaultDS out of the jboss.jcml, and it took just as
> long, same behavior, except exceptions were being thrown and no data was
> returned. Note that at this point there were no dbase resources in my
> jboss.jcml.
> 3. Then the below resource (PostgresqlDB) was added back into the
> so that it was the only DB resource in jboss.jcml and I got the same
> behavior as if (in step 2 above) there were no resources in the
> Conclusion:
> So my guess is that my current configuration is still not correct as I
> think my PostgresqlDB <mbean ... was/is ever being used (although, like
> above output, it seems to be accepted by jboss w/o problems) and long time
> delays are because of it having to use the DefaultDS instead of the one
> config'd it to use.
> Any help much appreciated.
> -----------
>   <mbean code="org.jboss.jdbc.XADataSourceLoader"
> name="DefaultDomain:service=XADataSource,name=PostgresqlDB">
>     <attribute name="PoolName">PostgresqlDB</attribute>
>     <attribute
> ibute>
>     <attribute name="Properties"></attribute>
>     <attribute
>     <attribute name="GCMinIdleTime">1200000</attribute>
>     <attribute name="JDBCUser">build</attribute>
>     <attribute name="MaxSize">10</attribute>
>     <attribute name="Password">build</attribute>
>     <attribute name="GCEnabled">false</attribute>
>     <attribute name="InvalidateOnError">false</attribute>
>     <attribute name="TimestampUsed">false</attribute>
>     <attribute name="Blocking">true</attribute>
>     <attribute name="GCInterval">120000</attribute>
>     <attribute name="IdleTimeout">1800000</attribute>
>     <attribute name="IdleTimeoutEnabled">false</attribute>
>     <attribute name="LoggingEnabled">false</attribute>
>     <attribute name="MaxIdleTimeoutPercent">1.0</attribute>
>     <attribute name="MinSize">0</attribute>
>   </mbean>
> Here is my '' jboss output. This output is from running
> with the PostgresqlDB only resource in the jboss.jcml.
> ------------
> cassia(build):/u/public/JBoss-2.4.0_Tomcat-3.2.2/jboss/bin$
> ./
> JBOSS_CLASSPATH=:/u/public/jdk1.3/lib/tools.jar:run.jar:../lib/crimson.jar
> jboss.home = /u/public/JBoss-2.4.0_Tomcat-3.2.2/jboss
> Using JAAS LoginConfig:
> file:/u/public/JBoss-2.4.0_Tomcat-3.2.2/jboss/conf/tomcat/auth.conf
> Using configuration "tomcat"
> [root] Started Log4jService,
> rties
> [Info] Java version: 1.3.0,Sun Microsystems Inc.
> [Info] Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM 1.3.0,Sun Microsystems Inc.
> [Info] System: Linux 2.4.4,i386
> [Shutdown] Shutdown hook added
> [Service Control] Initializing 26 MBeans
> [WebService] Initializing
> [WebService] Initialized
> [NamingService] Initializing
> [NamingService] Initialized
> [JNDIView] Initializing
> [JNDIView] Initialized
> [TransactionManagerService] Initializing
> [TransactionManagerService] Initialized
> [ClientUserTransactionService] Initializing
> [ClientUserTransactionService] Initialized
> [JaasSecurityManagerService] Initializing
> [JaasSecurityManagerService] Initialized
> [JdbcProvider] Initializing
> [JdbcProvider] Loaded JDBC-driver:org.postgresql.Driver
> [JdbcProvider] Initialized
> [XADataSourceLoader] Initializing
> [XADataSourceLoader] Initialized
> [ServerDataCollector] Initializing
> [ServerDataCollector] Initialized
> [ContainerFactory] Initializing
> [ContainerFactory] Initialized
> [EmbeddedTomcatServiceSX] Initializing
> [EmbeddedTomcatServiceSX] Initialized
> [JBossMQService] Initializing
> [JBossMQService] Initialized
> [JMSProviderLoader] Initializing
> [Default] queue factory name: XAQueueConnectionFactory
> [Default] topic factory name: XATopicConnectionFactory
> [JMSProviderLoader] Initialized
> [ServerSessionPoolLoader] Initializing
> [ServerSessionPoolLoader] Initialized
> [J2eeDeployer] Initializing
> [J2eeDeployer] Initialized
> [RARDeployer] Initializing
> [RARDeployer] Initialized
> [ConnectionManagerFactoryLoader] Initializing
> [ConnectionManagerFactoryLoader] Initialized
> [ConnectionManagerFactoryLoader] Initializing
> [ConnectionManagerFactoryLoader] Initialized
> [ConnectionManagerFactoryLoader] Initializing
> [ConnectionManagerFactoryLoader] Initialized
> [ConnectionFactoryLoader] Initializing
> [ConnectionFactoryLoader] Initialized
> [ConnectionFactoryLoader] Initializing
> [ConnectionFactoryLoader] Initialized
> [AutoDeployer] Initializing
> [AutoDeployer] Initialized
> [JMXAdaptorService] Initializing
> [JMXAdaptorService] Initialized
> [RMIConnectorService] Initializing
> [RMIConnectorService] Initialized
> [MailService] Initializing
> [MailService] Initialized
> [Service Control] Initialized 26 services
> [Service Control] Starting 26 MBeans
> [WebService] Starting
> [Default] Started on port 8083
> [Webserver] Codebase set to http://cassia:8083/
> [Webserver] Started webserver on port 8083
> [WebService] Started
> [NamingService] Starting
> [NamingService] Starting jnp server
> [NamingService] Started jnpPort=1099, rmiPort=0, Client
> Server SocketFactory=null
> [NamingService] InitialContext Environment:
> [NamingService] key=java.naming.factory.initial,
> value=org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory
> [NamingService] key=java.naming.factory.url.pkgs,
> s
> [NamingService] Naming started on port 1099
> [NamingService] Started
> [JNDIView] Starting
> [JNDIView] Started
> [TransactionManagerService] Starting
> [TransactionManagerService] Started
> [ClientUserTransactionService] Starting
> [ClientUserTransactionService] Started
> [JaasSecurityManagerService] Starting
> [Default] JAAS.startService, cachePolicy=null
> [Default] JAAS.startService,
> [JaasSecurityManagerService] Started
> [JdbcProvider] Starting
> [JdbcProvider] Started
> [XADataSourceLoader] Starting
> [PostgresqlDB] XA Connection pool PostgresqlDB bound to java:/PostgresqlDB
> [XADataSourceLoader] Started
> [ServerDataCollector] Starting
> [ServerDataCollector] JBoss Management Service 'servercollector' bound to
> servercollector
> [ServerDataCollector] Started
> [ContainerFactory] Starting
> [ContainerFactory] Started
> [EmbeddedTomcatServiceSX] Starting
> [EmbeddedTomcatSX] Starting EmbeddedTomcatSX....
> [Default] Starting tomcat. Check logs/tomcat.log for error messages
> [EmbeddedTomcatSX] OK
> [EmbeddedTomcatServiceSX] Started
> [JBossMQService] Starting
> [Default] Server Version 0.8 Started
> [JBossMQService] Started
> [JMSProviderLoader] Starting
> [JMSProviderLoader] JMS provider Adapter DefaultJMSProvider bound to
> java:/DefaultJMSProvider
> [JMSProviderLoader] Started
> [ServerSessionPoolLoader] Starting
> [ServerSessionPoolLoader] JMS provider Adapter StdJMSPool bound to
> java:/StdJMSPool
> [ServerSessionPoolLoader] Started
> [J2eeDeployer] Starting
> [J2EE Deployer Default] Cleaning up deployment directory
> [J2eeDeployer] Started
> [RARDeployer] Starting
> [RARDeployer] Started
> [ConnectionManagerFactoryLoader] Starting
> [MinervaNoTransCMFactory] Connection manager factory
> 'MinervaNoTransCMFactory bound to 'java:/MinervaNoTransCMFactory'
> [ConnectionManagerFactoryLoader] Started
> [ConnectionManagerFactoryLoader] Starting
> [MinervaSharedLocalCMFactory] Connection manager factory
> 'MinervaSharedLocalCMFactory bound to 'java:/MinervaSharedLocalCMFactory'
> [ConnectionManagerFactoryLoader] Started
> [ConnectionManagerFactoryLoader] Starting
> [MinervaXACMFactory] Connection manager factory 'MinervaXACMFactory bound
> 'java:/MinervaXACMFactory'
> [ConnectionManagerFactoryLoader] Started
> [ConnectionFactoryLoader] Starting
> [ConnectionFactoryLoader] Started
> [ConnectionFactoryLoader] Starting
> [ConnectionFactoryLoader] Started
> [AutoDeployer] Starting
> [AutoDeployer] Watching /u/public/JBoss-2.4.0_Tomcat-3.2.2/jboss/deploy
> [AutoDeployer] Watching
> [AutoDeployer] Auto deploy of
> file:/u/public/JBoss-2.4.0_Tomcat-3.2.2/jboss/deploy/tomcat-test.ear
> [J2EE Deployer Default] Deploy J2EE application:
> file:/u/public/JBoss-2.4.0_Tomcat-3.2.2/jboss/deploy/tomcat-test.ear
> [J2EE Deployer Default] Create application tomcat-test.ear
> [J2EE Deployer Default] inflate and install module tomcat-test.war
> [J2EE Deployer Default] install module tomcat-test.jar
> [J2EE Deployer Default] add all ejb jar files to the common classpath
> [Container factory]
> omcat-test.ear
> [Verifier] Verifying
> .ear/ejb1002.jar
> [Container factory] Deploying Optimized
> [Container factory] Deploying NonOptimized
> [ContainerManagement] Initializing
> [ContainerManagement] Initialized
> [ContainerManagement] Starting
> [ContainerManagement] Started
> [ContainerManagement] Initializing
> [ContainerManagement] Initialized
> [ContainerManagement] Starting
> [ContainerManagement] Started
> [Default] Added ClassLoader: org.jboss.web.WebClassLoader@358f03 URL:
> http://cassia:8083/WebClassLoader@3510019/
> [Container factory] Deployed application:
> .ear
> [J2EE Deployer Default] Starting module tomcat-test.war
> [EmbeddedTomcatSX] deploy, ctxPath=/jboss,
> at-test.ear/web1001/
> [J2EE Deployer Default] J2EE application:
> file:/u/public/JBoss-2.4.0_Tomcat-3.2.2/jboss/deploy/tomcat-test.ear is
> deployed.
> [AutoDeployer] Auto deploy of
> file:/u/public/JBoss-2.4.0_Tomcat-3.2.2/jboss/deploy/acais-1.0.ear
> [J2EE Deployer Default] Deploy J2EE application:
> file:/u/public/JBoss-2.4.0_Tomcat-3.2.2/jboss/deploy/acais-1.0.ear
> [J2EE Deployer Default] Create application acais-1.0.ear
> [J2EE Deployer Default] inflate and install module acais-web.war
> [J2EE Deployer Default] install module acais-ejb.jar
> [J2EE Deployer Default] add all ejb jar files to the common classpath
> [Container factory]
> cais-1.0.ear
> [Verifier] Verifying
> ar/ejb1004.jar
> [Container factory] Deploying Account
> [Container factory] Deploying DBaseListMaps
> [Container factory] Deploying Users
> [Container factory] No resource manager found for jdbc/PostgresqlDB
> [Default] null
> [Container factory] No resource manager found for jms/managerQueue
> [Container factory] No resource manager found for
> [Container factory] No resource manager found for jdbc/PostgresqlDB
> [Default] null
> [Container factory] No resource manager found for jdbc/PostgresqlDB
> [Bean Cache] Cache policy scheduler started
> [ContainerManagement] Initializing
> [ContainerManagement] Initialized
> [ContainerManagement] Starting
> [ContainerManagement] Started
> [ContainerManagement] Initializing
> [ContainerManagement] Initialized
> [ContainerManagement] Starting
> [ContainerManagement] Started
> [ContainerManagement] Initializing
> [ContainerManagement] Initialized
> [ContainerManagement] Starting
> [ContainerManagement] Started
> [ContainerManagement] Initializing
> [ContainerManagement] Initialized
> [ContainerManagement] Starting
> [ContainerManagement] Started
> [ContainerManagement] Initializing
> [ContainerManagement] Initialized
> [ContainerManagement] Starting
> [ContainerManagement] Started
> [ContainerManagement] Initializing
> [ContainerManagement] Initialized
> [ContainerManagement] Starting
> [ContainerManagement] Started
> [Default] Added ClassLoader: org.jboss.web.WebClassLoader@552b76 URL:
> http://cassia:8083/WebClassLoader@5581686/
> [Container factory] Deployed application:
> ar
> [J2EE Deployer Default] Starting module acais-web.war
> [EmbeddedTomcatSX] deploy, ctxPath=/acais,
> s-1.0.ear/web1003/
> [J2EE Deployer Default] J2EE application:
> file:/u/public/JBoss-2.4.0_Tomcat-3.2.2/jboss/deploy/acais-1.0.ear is
> deployed.
> [AutoDeployer] Auto deploy of
> file:/u/public/JBoss-2.4.0_Tomcat-3.2.2/jboss/deploy/lib/jms-ra.rar
> [RARDeployer] Attempting to deploy RAR at
> 'file:/u/public/JBoss-2.4.0_Tomcat-3.2.2/jboss/deploy/lib/jms-ra.rar'
> [JmsXA] Using default value 'java:DefaultJMSProvider' for config property
> 'JmsProviderAdapterJNDI'
> [JmsXA] FINE: Setting LogWriter: org.jboss.logging.LogWriter@20dbf3
> [JmsXA] Bound connection factory for resource adapter 'JMS Adapter' to
> name 'java:/JmsXA'
> [AutoDeployer] Auto deploy of
> [RARDeployer] Attempting to deploy RAR at
> '
> [RARDeployer] Loading Minerva Resource Adapter for JDBC 1/2 drivers
> [RARDeployer] Required license terms present. See deployment descriptor.
> [MinervaDS] Not setting config property 'Driver'
> [MinervaDS] Not setting config property 'Password'
> [MinervaDS] Not setting config property 'UserName'
> [MinervaDS] Bound connection factory for resource adapter 'Minerva JDBC
> LocalTransaction ResourceAdapter' to JNDI name 'java:/MinervaDS'
> [AutoDeployer] Started
> [JMXAdaptorService] Starting
> [JMXAdaptorService] Started
> [RMIConnectorService] Starting
> [RMIConnectorService] Started
> [MailService] Starting
> [MailService] Mail Service 'Mail' bound to java:/Mail
> [MailService] Started
> [Service Control] Started 26 services
> [Default] JBoss 2.4 BETA(Rel_2_4_0_6) Started in 1m:2s
> _______________________________________________
> JBoss-user mailing list

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