In stateful ejb session Bean1 I have reference on another stateful ejb session 
Bean2 ? bean2Ref.
I can correctly call any method from bean2Ref until calling processOrder from 
that bean that rises exception during data flushing to database.

This is definition of processOrder() method in Bean2

  | @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW)
  |     public void processOrder() {
  |             //? some code
  |     }

This code fragment from method in Bean1

  |                     bean2Ref.startProcessing();
  |                     try {
  |                             bean2Ref.processOrder(saveTry);
  |                     } catch(Exception ex) {
  |                             log.error("error - " + ex.getMessage());
  |                     }
  |                     bean2Ref.finalProcessing();

Calling bean2Ref.finalProcessing() (and any other from bean2Ref) will rise 
exception ?Could not find Stateful bean: 5c4o11h-844ahm-ek9u3vhm-1-ek9vq78r-3b?

Is it correct behaviour of ejb3 container? Is it possible to save bean2Ref 

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