The way I understand it, this can be handled completely within SEAM. The @Valid 
annotation is specific to the Hibernate validator. However, the @IfInvalid is 
all SEAM. My variation on the idea is to change @IfInvalid as follows

  | @Stateful
  | @Name("myController")
  | @Interceptors(SeamInterceptor.class)
  | public class MyController {
  |         // this entity will be set from form-1
  |         @In (value="user",create=true)
  |     protected User user;
  |         // this entity will be set from form-2
  |         @In (value="address",create=true)
  |     protected Address address;
  |         // this should validate user
  |        @IfInvalid (name="user", outcome=Outcome.REDISPLAY)
  |         public String pressButtonOneHandlingUsers() {
  |              ... do something ... 
  |        }
  |         // this should validate user and address
  |         @IfInvalid (name="address", outcome=Outcome.REDISPLAY)
  |         public String pressButtonTwoHandlingAddress() {
  |              ... do something ...
  |         } 
  | }

IfInvalid could also take a "names" parameter:
@IfInvalid (names={"address","user"}, outcome= ...)

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