"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : 
  | THat's the way Java's lookup algorithm works, not ours.

Ok, I think I can live with that until I actually develop something that needs 
two different locales depending on country. I don't think it's that often. 
Although it should be easy enough to have a setLocaleString() like this

  | public void setLocaleString(String localeString)
  | {
  |     String[] localeParts = localeString.split("_");
  |     if (localeParts.length() > 0) 
  |     {
  |         this.language = localeParts[0];
  |     }
  |     if (localeParts.length() > 1) 
  |     {
  |         this.country = localeParts[1];
  |     }
  |     if (localeParts.length() > 2) 
  |     {
  |         this.variant = localeParts[2];
  |     }
  | }

and a

  | public String getLocaleString()
  | {
  |     return this.locale.toString()
  | }
and then

  | <h:selectOneMenu value="#{localeSelector.localeString}">
  |     <f:selectItem itemLabel="English" itemValue="en_US"/>
  |     <f:selectItem itemLabel="Deutsch" itemValue="de"/>
  |     <f:selectItem itemLabel="French" itemValue="fr_CH"/>
  |     <f:selectItem itemLabel="French" itemValue="fr_FR"/>
  | </h:selectOneMenu>
  | <h:commandButton action="#{localeSelector.select}" 

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