I think I found a (very) small bug in the MulticastDetector implementation.
If you don't call start and then stop or if you call stop twice, you will get a 
NullPointerException (see JUnit test below). This is no major issue (after all 
you can just call the methods correctly), but I think frameworks shouldn't 
produce NullPointerExceptions when used incorrectly.

public class MulticastDetectorTest extends TestCase {
  |     private MBeanServer server;
  |     private ObjectName objectName;
  |     protected void setUp() throws Exception {
  |             super.setUp();
  |             server = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
  |             objectName = new ObjectName("remoting:type=MulticastDetector");
  |     }
  |     protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
  |             super.tearDown();
  |     }
  |     public void testStopWithoutStart() throws Exception {
  |             MulticastDetector detector = new MulticastDetector();
  |             server.registerMBean(detector, objectName);
  |             // don't call detector.start();
  |             Thread.sleep(1000);
  |             server.unregisterMBean(objectName);
  |             detector.stop();
  |     }
  |     public void testCallingStopTwice() throws Exception {
  |             MulticastDetector detector = new MulticastDetector();
  |             server.registerMBean(detector, objectName);
  |             detector.start();
  |             Thread.sleep(1000);
  |             server.unregisterMBean(objectName);
  |             detector.stop();
  |             detector.stop();
  |     }
  | }


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